
That’s exactly what you are.

Over all of my years, and over all the accounts I’ve heard from generations ago, have I never witnessed such a lack of absolute empathy and sensibility toward an opponent such as myself.

And before you consider taking these meaninglessly cutting words to heart, I’ll dissect each and every inevitable awful truth you say you stand by before your very eyes, in such a raw way to show you who the true victor of capability is here, between the both of us.

But I can almost guarantee that you’re waiting, listening as I start to explain myself, and insteadlaughing, smiling, smirking, or perhaps passing a fleeting thought over the notion that you’ve won this battle for yourself, with no need to hear the sense of your former opponent.

But I have not lost.

Because me and my kingdom obtain a skill you seem to lack entirely, which, while not as important as you might think, becomes more and more prevalent the longer you continue to exist for. If you’ve ever reminisced on how and why you’ve been able to stand atop such innovative technology in your time, the answer lies with your ancestor’s wisdom. The ability to use not only your own, but also the experience of the ones before you, and cultivate it all into such a new idea that surpasses your lifespan and continues on through future others, as you update their current livelihood, and receive recognition in turn. To build such structures on the backs of such useful information so that the future generation could come to wonder in awe as to how far they have progressed since our time.

So what about you? How much have you dabbled in this area of ever-growing wisdom? Or if I may inquire, have you at all? How long have you been creating this illusion of progression through your time, when you actually realize - or even worse, not realize - that your tactics have not changed, and you pursue this meaningless destruction, only meaningless because you reap no true reward for these actions. Money and fame and battle can only go so far if the wielder doesn’t know how to advance this for the good of themselves and others.

And because you think so little of the future, shall I map out to you how yours will end? How if you carry on with your barbaric ways, destroying the bases of hopeful citizens, you will only illude yourself into possession of great power, when all you really have is the dis-trust of others, because your actions signify no rhyme or reason to them, other than that of your own greed. So you run out of both allies and material from your lack of trust as much as you lose them from your own destruction. And as your savage empire “grows”, your combined greed will collapse in on itself, and disorganization will cause your society to fall into unrecognition.

Is that the future you want? Do you wish to live in the moment, fueling your own selfish needs, only to die out with negative recognition, having no regrets? Then let me ask you once again. Let me ask you yet another question you wish not to hear, only for it to ring in your mind until your inevitable death. Who will history remember more, the empire that destroyed everyone in their path, only to die out alone due to their unstable cause, or the kingdom that succeeded for themselves and their people, progressing into the future, and bravely fought out for their cause until the end? Who will history honor more, and who will let the future carry their legacy longer?

If you are thinking what I am thinking about our next battle, know that I would proudly lose by my morals. Can you say the same? Will you say the same, or will your weak cause dissolve when the side that moves ever onward razes the structures on which you stand?

I would, of course, normally put these differences aside, and see the true human in my enemy, considering their reason to assault me and my people. But you have no reason for your selfish destruction, so in turn, you are foolish to think I have any reason to sympathize with you.

You are pathetic, [Emperor Name], not because of your conceited morals, but because you continue to stand by these moralsfully aware of the failure it will, albeit already has, brought you. Such stupidity, arising from this mob mentality you harbor, should not even have to be fought against in the first place, and yet here I am, ready to fight you once again whenever you are.