The Informed World revolving around it’s people, as its people revolve around it. This collective world, flashing in and out of the different places we spot it in, until we curiously open up the hole where we roughly discovered it to find so much more than what meets the eye. But sometimes, we barely find anything at all, so we carefully contribute from the sidelines, until it becomes a large enough part of the world for everyone else to be able to see, which further increases its growth. Some media, or platforms, broadcast, or harness this growth -
But the true information grows in the imperceptible center.
The Age of Information, led up to from centuries of progress and centuries of mistakes, granted more peace by allowing countries, and even people, to know more of everything there was about the world than ever before, allowing us to form safer bonds with people we had not - and might not ever meet - from across the globe. But this was no guarantee, because this revealed so much more about how uneven the world was. How many, undeservingly wanted a piece of the pie, and tampered the new structure of information to grow their idiocy, until it could be seen by the world. And because many remained unaware, they agreed. Opening up the wrong holes to look into, to trust.
You can imagine how happy this mess of unfairness, greed, and wrong personal beliefs makes the people in the right.
It doesn’t.
This unhappiness grows to arguments, tensions, war. All because of the people in the dark. All because of the unfortunate population that didn’t understand, that couldn’t accept, the truth.
For the ones that strive for actual happiness, the informative world is not forgiving. One wrong look, or one look at all, from someone who’s even partially in the wrong, and your dream weeks later will just be labeled as another hopeless attempt at a future that can’t exist. No - Couldn’t exist.
Until now.
After hours, I would come to this conclusion, for myself. No amount of reason could persuade them into my realization, no amount of force could make them cower in fear. If I was to live my own life by my own principles, example was necessary. My happiness would be all I need to know I’m traveling on the right path of life. And I wouldn’t die publicly, not until my realization was met by the people who saw my life as an example that they could follow the same. My legacy was within reach,
Until I reached a rather harsh realization myself.